McMurdo’s Camp

December 27, 2008

Compliments of the Season

Filed under: Sherlock Holmes — Matilda @ 11:07 am

Here’s wishing a merry Christmas or other preferred holiday to all McMurdo’s cyber-campers, and to any other readers, site visitors, or lurkers out there.  Here in the north woods we had a  cold and snowy but very pretty and restful holiday.

If you are an experienced Sherlockian you understand why the greetings are going out two days after Christmas rather than on the very day, or as more common, in the season leading up to it.  If you don’t know and want to find out, you may click on the following link.

You will only have to read the first sentence to understand.  Once you are there, however, why not read the whole story, if you have not already done so?

December 1, 2008

A Personal Note

Filed under: Sherlock Holmes — Matilda @ 3:21 pm

We have been remiss lately in not updating this site.  A minor medical problem, now resolved, got us into the situation where fall chores were not getting done on time.  We are now recovered pretty well, the dock is out of the water, the wood is stacked for winter, and the numerous other chores are complete.

Winter is settling in, the lake is skinned over, and the ground is white.  Back to work on McMurdo’s camp.  Next up:  The Rascally Lascar.

McMurdo’s Camp Style Manual

Filed under: 1 — Matilda @ 12:50 pm

Housekeeping item:  When writing a non-fact type article, it is sometimes necessary for the writer to refer to himself.  There are different ways of doing this, and to this author, they all seem a little clumsy.  I don’t like first-person singular, and first person plural seems better but has its own shortcomings.  A better way  has not made itself known to our writing staff, however, and we are aware that I have not been consistent.  A standard needs to be established.

We have decided that first-person collective (plural) will be the standard used at McMurdo’s Camp.  We at McMurdo’s Camp will refer to ourself(ourselves) as “we” or “us”.

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